
1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class     

IMDb~6.5 / 豆瓣~7.9 / 爛番茄~85% / 爆米花~65% / ★★★  




1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  

1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  

1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  

1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  

1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  

1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  


1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  

1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  

1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  

1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  

1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  

1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  

1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class    

1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  

下載 - 2020-07-15T153633.924.jpg  1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  

1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  

1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  

1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class    

1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  

1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  

1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  

1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  

金屋夢痕中文    ★金屋夢痕中文   

1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  

1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  

金屋夢痕相簿  ★金屋夢痕相簿  ★影后新聞  

All That Love gone to Waste 

All That Love gone to Waste  

We were close to it all 我們已經很接近這一切了 
Caught the rainbows we chased 捕捉到了我們追逐的彩虹 

Then we watched the sky fall 然後我們看著天塌下來 
All that love went to waste 所有的愛都被浪費了 

What we had was the end 我們所擁有的就是結局 
It could not be erased 無法刪除 

That's the pity, my friend 這就是遺憾,我的朋友 
All that love went to waste 所有的愛都被浪費了 

If we only could have guessed 如果我們能猜到的話 
That it couldn't stand the test 說明它經不起考驗 

We'd have played it all for jest 我們會拿這一切來開玩笑 
And have been each other's guest 也曾互為過客 
We'd have smiled and strolled away 我們會微笑著走開 
While it still was light and gay 雖然它仍然是輕鬆愉快的 
But now here's that rainy day 但現在是下雨天 

If we held back a bit 如果我們退縮一點 
Every time we embraced 每次我們擁抱 

We'd have saved some of it 我們本來可以保存一些 

If we just walked, instead of raced 如果我們只是步行而不是賽跑 
And just made love, instead of haste 只是做愛,而不是匆忙 

That lovely love would never have gone to waste 這份美好的愛永遠不會浪費 

1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  

1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  

IMDb~6.5 / 豆瓣~7.9 / 爛番茄~85% / 爆米花~65% / ★★★  











1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class

1973【金屋夢痕】A Touch of Class  


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