
1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros      

IMDb~8.4 / 豆瓣~9.6 / 爛番茄~100% / 爆米花~95%★★★★ 

瑪琳黛德麗真的是磁場太強大了,只要她一出場就是能逼得所有目光都集中在她的身上無話可說,她看起來兇兇的徐娘半老看似不討好但又絕對風韻猶存充滿了致命與迫害,她總是讓我聯想到「煙視媚行」四個字。【控方證人】堪稱影史上最傑出的法庭電影,電影英文片名"The Witness for the Prosecution"直白了它的原意就是「控方證人」,是【東方快車謀殺案】【尼羅河上謀殺案】推理小說女王艾嘉莎克莉絲蒂第一個小說改編電影版,金獎導演比利懷德信手捻來都是文章,影帝查爾斯勞頓光芒萬丈奪人目光,泰隆鮑華舉手投足無不輝煌,瑪琳黛德麗亦正亦邪強勢登場,整齣戲像是舞台劇更像是教科書寓教於樂到處是驚喜高潮迭起毫無冷場令人目不轉睛拍案叫絕。我們可以看到很多反轉的劇情、很多類似名偵探柯南的小聰明,還有很多意外轉折的智慧與透析出來的人性,會覺得電影只要編導演一旦組合對了,真的是一場大快人心,我們除了嘆為觀止就是心生尊敬。


1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

 1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

 1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros 1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

 1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

預告    ★預告   ★片段   ★片段    ★片段    ★片段  

The Nearness Of You  

1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

1957控方證人Witness for The Prosecution

IMDb~8.4 / 豆瓣~9.6 / 爛番茄~100% / 爆米花~95%★★★★  

☆☆★★【控方證人】中文版 ★★☆☆  







1957【控方證人】Witness for the Pros  

☆☆★★【控方證人】中文版 ★★☆☆  


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