
1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not    

IMDb~7.8 / 豆瓣~7.7 / 爛番茄~97% / 爆米花~90%★★★★  

黑色電影可能是我最喜歡的一種電影類型了,雖然講的可能只是虛無政府下小小正邪世界裡敵我的對峙輸贏或男女的愛情火花,雖然它存在的年代不過就是那麼短暫的黃金二十年,但它的情節總是那麼耐人尋味並能咀嚼良久,而這其中最偉大的代表人物就是亨弗利鮑嘉,很難想像如果沒有了他那麼哪有神秘玩味盡在不言中的黑色電影這種顯學呢。話說本來置身事外生活瀟灑的船主因收帳來到酒館遇到魅力四射的女賊洛琳白考兒天雷勾動地火,最後捨身參與了運送地下反抗軍和女主角前往自由法國的驚天行動,改編自海明威1937年的短篇小說【To Have or Have Not】但變得更為曼妙有勁,配角們個個出色,演唱曲精彩萬分,男女主角一片定情走下銀幕結為連理更是眾人佳話,回過頭再三品味片中男女的化學變化更能會心拍片當時那種眉目間語調裡的微妙和動人,好看極了。我喜歡以前那種好萊塢片廠的明星制度,也喜歡以前很流行搭配大咖電影附帶的所謂B級電影,因為它們都不深奧但都有種耐看的體質,簡單又美好。 【逃亡】中的金句是女方問男方會吹口哨嗎,只要兩唇靠近就好,後來鮑嘉癌逝 ,白考兒在他的棺木裡放了一個金哨子,他們的愛情真的無敵,比電影還讓人懷念。  





1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not 1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

  1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

  1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  


Am I blue, am I blue? 我憂鬱嗎,我是憂鬱的嗎?
Ain't these tears in these eyes telling you? 這些眼睛裡的淚水不是在告訴你嗎?
Am I blue? You'd be, too 我是憂鬱的嗎?你不也是
If the schemes with your drame don't fall through 如果你的計劃沒有落空

Was a time, I was her only one 曾經,我是她唯一的一個
But now, I'm the sad and lonely one 但現在,我是那個悲傷和孤獨的人
So lonely 太孤單了
Was I gay, 'til today? 我是同性戀嗎,直到今天?
Now she's gone and we're through 現在她走了,我們結束了
Baby, oh, am I blue? 寶貝,哦,我是憂鬱的嗎?

Am I blue, Baby, oh, so blue? 我憂鬱嗎,寶貝,哦,這麼憂鬱?
Don't these tears in these eyes tell you something? 這些眼睛裡的淚水難道沒有告訴你什麼嗎?
Something that says I cried, bohoo? 說我哭了,呵?
And I sigh over you? 我為你嘆息?
Plans we had fell through, that's why I'm so blue, believe me 我們的計劃失敗了,這就是為什麼我如此沮喪,相信我

Was a time, I was her only one 曾經,我是她唯一的一個
But now, I'm the sad and lonely one 但現在,我是那個悲傷和孤獨的人
so lonely 太孤單了
Was I gay, 'til today? 我是同性戀嗎,直到今天?
Now she's gone and we're through 現在她走了,我們結束了
Baby, oh, am I blue? 寶貝,哦,我是憂鬱的嗎?

So blue 好憂鬱
It's the end and we're through 結束了,我們結束了
Am I blue? 我是憂鬱的嗎?
Dododododoo  嗚嗚嗚  



Got up this morning along about dawn
Without a warning I found she was gone
Why should she do it
How could she do it
She'd never done it before...
Am I blue? Am I blue?
Ain't these tears in these eyes tellin' you?
Am I blue? You'd be too
If your dreams and your schemes just fell through
Was a time
I was her only one
But now I'm the sad and lonely one
Was I gay till today?
Now she's gone and we're through
Am I blue? 

預告   片段   片段   片段   插曲   插曲   插曲   片尾  片尾   

MTV  Lauren Bacall   Hoagy Carmichael   Nat King Cole  


 1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

1944逃亡To Have and Have Not

IMDb~7.8 / 豆瓣~7.7 / 爛番茄~97% / 爆米花~90%★★★★  











1944【逃亡】To Have and Have Not  

    創作者 張復先 的頭像


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