
1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High     

IMDb~7.0 / 豆瓣~ / 爛番茄~88% / 爆米花~60% / ★★  


1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   




1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High 1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   




1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High     

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

下載 (44).jpg  1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High    1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   


1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

It's Magic  

You sigh, a song begins
You speak and I hear violins
It's magic
The stars desert the skies
And rush to nestle in your eyes
It's magic

Without a golden wand
Or mystic charms
Fantastic things begin
When I am in your arms

When we walk hand in hand
The world becomes a wonderland

It's magic
How else can I explain
Those rainbows when there is no rain
It's magic...

Why do I tell myself
These things that happen are all really true
When in my heart I know
The magic is my love for you 

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High   

1948【海上戀情】Romance On The High Seas  

IMDb~7.0 / 豆瓣~ / 爛番茄~88% / 爆米花~60% / ★★ 


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